Monday, January 28, 2008
Tag I am "It", Times Three!
First, I was tagged by Amy Ellen at Life in Kansas, then from Bright Meadow Farms, then I was tagged by Kimbery Ann at Nostaligic Homemaking......
So being tagged, here is what I must do:
Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.Tag 7 people and link to them.Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
7 Weird/Random Things About ME!
1. I was an Arts/Crafts Director at a church camp for a summer
2. I learned 7 clogging dances in 7 hours
3. My e-mail name (Amelia) is my name from high school Spanish class...everyone thinks my actual name is Amelia
4. I sing Baritone in my Sweet Adeline chorus group
5. I took a backpacking class for college credit...honest to goodness
6. I am learning how to crochet
7. I am planning on getting my motorcycle license in the summer so I can drive a scooter (saving that gas money, baby).
So there you go! I am tagging these farmgirls, whose blogs I haven't visited before:
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Artful Sisters - Time to Create with Famgirl Style

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Farmgirl Pinkeep Mystery Swap
Well, I am finally doing it....I am organizing and hosting my first swap! For this swap on the Farmgirl Connection board will be done as a "mystery"....where no one else in the swap group will know who is swapping with who until the pinkeep is received by the recipient [each person e-mails the host to get their swap person and their address as they are ready to send out their creation).
The really fun part of the mystery is that each participant will be keeping a swap "diary" of sorts on their blog or on the Farmgirl the reveal of who has who will happen once everyone receives their little work of Farmgirl art.....thanks to Stephanie (queenofdreamsz4u) for the wonderful idea!
What are pinkeeps you ask? They are a different version of a pincushion, even tho they perform the same duty, neat huh!?!?! A creative spin on the "ordinary" sewing accessory.
Stay tuned to this blog for the whimsy and fun happenings of this artful mystery swap.