It is time to go on our Jubilee camp out trip. I am so thrilled there is a great number of us....it is going to be a ball. I am looking forward to seeing all of your campsites in our little roundup as well as hearing all of the neat stories and having our own sing-along. Of course, we cannot forget eating yummy farmgirl treats while sitting at the campfire by the light of the moon!
So hitch up those cute trailers and lets head off for the weekend. Most of us will be posting here on the Farmgirl Connection.....while others will be posting in their blogs.....so make sure to also visit:
Deb (aka City Chick) @ My Pondering Place
Kay @ The Rustic Cottage
Jenn @ Yogi Farmgirl
It is nice and sunny after yesterday's rain. Off I go on a morning hike! Come on everyone.......
More later....maybe a good ol' fashion campfire.
I found my way to you via Country Pleasures. I just wanted to tell you that I was here...and I will be back! Stop in and visit me...I love meeting new people and making new friends.
Amy! This just such a GREAT idea! I want to be in it, too. My trailer will have to be in my imaginatin for now, but I SOOO want one. What do I do to start and get that way cool banner for my post?
I think I just deleted my comment. I'm so excited and it is so late. But I want to be in it too. Let me know what I have to do. Soo cool!
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